
The following services can be provided for maintaining and changing an existing premises licences:

Variations – From time to time, a premises may need to change certain details on their licence, such as their operating hours, conditions, licensable activities, or their layout plan. This is known as a variation. Different procedures are required for different needs.

DPS VariationRequired to replace the existing Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) and appoint a new one. Applicable for Premises Licences in England and Wales.

DPM VariationRequired to replace the existing Designated Premises Manager (DPM) and appoint a new one. Applicable for Premises Licences in Scotland. See the Scotland
tab for more details.

Major/Minor VariationsThese are required to vary such aspects of a premises licence as the licensable hours, the premises plan, or any operating conditions attached to the licence.

Hearings (Variations) – Lockett & Co will always endeavour to mediate and achieve the best and most cost-effective result for you. Where mediation is not successful, your application may proceed to a hearing. Lockett & Co can assist you with this process.